Stubborn Fat

What is meant by Stubborn Fat?

Unfortunately, even with regular exercise most people struggle to lose the troublesome weight that accumulates in the problem areas. This is because our bodies are genetically programmed to store fat differently and most annoyingly, unevenly. Women tend to gain weight in the lower body; some women are genetically predisposed to gain more weight in the hips and thighs while others gain more in the waistline. Most people think that they can simply go jogging to work off those love handles or do some regular sit-ups to work off that belly, but this simply isn’t true. If you exercise a particular part of the body, muscle tissue under the fat will become firm and make the overall appearance of that region look better. However, such specific exercise will not reduce the quantity of fat within the area. Simply by jogging, you will not just reduce the fat around the legs and hips because the fat providing energy for this activity may be coming from the stomach, chin, or back.

What does Amaran Aesthetic offer?

Fat mobilization and body contouring.